Saturday, October 30, 2004


There are many theories about life and the best I can do is choose one or elements of many to live by. In practice, I've been focusing on the latter working my way towards the former.

I remember a professor talking about a study which focused on the phases of religion in a person's life. Youth is marked with belief, the 20s are marked by distancing, the 30s are marked by questions while the 40s and beyond there is finally the realization. I remember thinking it was too much of a generalization. Yet, here I am thinking that in a little less than a decade I may come to my realization and I look forward to it.

What do I want to do with my life? What legacy do I want to leave behind? There has to be more to life than 'this.' Am I doing enough for my family? Should I be doing more? What about my friends? What about me? Yadda, yadda, yadda...

Which brings me to these two movie, they seem to fit in one wacky way or another.

What the Bleep Do We Know!?
As soon as the DVD comes out on this I need to rent it and watch it again. There were too many ideas floating around. While I tried to digest one idea, the film was well into another idea, but my concentration wasn't. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed this film, because it was a different approach.

Listening to the, spiritual advisor, Ramtha, I can see why some have described this as a cult-like film. She was a little over the top for my personal taste. Then again, The Passion was way over the top for many too.

The most memorable part for me was the labeled water crystals. I haven't bothered researching the project further, but it was intriguing. The gist was the following: if you label water with positive words the water crystals are beautiful. On the other hand, if you label water with negative words the water crystals reflect the negativity. It makes sense, if you believe.

And, because of this film, I am started planning a vacation to Portland sometime next year. Nothing due to the content really, I just liked the way it looked. I also want to visit Powell's Books. ;)

I Heart Huckabees
Huckabees was the 180 degree compliment to What the Bleep... It was hilarious. Characters questioning certain aspects of their lives hire existential detectives to help them figure it out.

The reason I got such a kick out of this movie is that a few times in (hindsight) I've thought of how great it would be to hire people to capture the third-party, unbiased perspective of my life. To see what I project to the world.

Oh, and Jude Law. ;)

Wednesday, October 20, 2004


I saw three generations of a family on the train today. I was moved. The quiet grandfather, the attentive father and the smiling toddler all reflected happiness.

I don't know if their respective lives are engulfed in happiness, but for that one train ride I chose to believe it was so.

Sunday, October 17, 2004


The first rain of the season took place today. I love bearable cold weather, but I am not ready for it to be here. It's too soon.

Christmas songs greeted my entrance into a couple of department stores. What happened to my new year's resolutions! (sigh)

I'm not ready for this year to be over. Time is flying alright, but I can't say it's due to fun.

Monday, October 11, 2004

New Phase

A lot of people I know are no longer with the company. I am still employed, except it's not the same group. I am not too happy about this. Yes, my team worked crazy hours and had way too much work but it was a great team. I can blame all this on the reorganization, the company's realignment of priorities.

Rumor is I'm in the new group because of my development skills. I said goodbye to those skills almost two years ago. This is pulling me away from the management track I was focusing on.

I can adapt to change that is not the problem. The first step is getting through the knee-deep architecture documents to get myself up to speed on my new project and technoligies. The second step is building relationships with my new team. I can already tell they are not a social bunch and I am not feeling particularly social myself.

All the time leading up to the reorg I thought I was handling the stress pretty well. As soon as it was over, my body let me know other wise. I'm going on my second week of having a cold. This is not normal for me. Maybe it's the age. ahhahhahah