Saturday, April 03, 2004

Guitar Lesson

I had my first official guitar lesson today. It went well. I learned how to tune the darn thing and four chords. Practice, practice, practice is going to be the order of the coming weeks. Why I thought it was going to be a breeze is beyond me at the moment. My fingers stumble along at their own pace. I'm going to need patience.

Afterwards I went to a co-worker's birthday get-together. I don't look forward to going to work-related things many times I just don't go. I believe in a separation between my professional life and my personal life. That line has been blurred, but not much. It was fun and interesting to see people that I see daily in a different context. I was definitely in the minority since I am not gay, over thirty or white.

Two things dawned on me 1) my friends are older which means I am "older" and 2) I need hispanic friends.