Sunday, December 12, 2004

Catch up time

I can't believe the end of the year is only 19 days away! This is downright scary. There is no time for so many things, which explains the neglect of entries to this blog.

Work is seriously kicking my butt. It didn't help that I got sick and was out for a week. The last time I was that ill was over 15 years ago. To top it off, this all happened during the second week of my mother's visit. She was also very sick, I was tempted to take her into the emergency room. I forced myself to go back to work before I should have; consequently, the last week has been a blur and not productive.

Christmas parties have started. Holiday cards are arriving in the mail. I haven't even bought any. While I was getting ready for this evening's egg nog celebration, I got an early present....a f*cking gray hair! I don't consider myself a vain person, but damn!

For now, 12 is the magic number. 12 days that is. The plan is to get on a plane Christmas Eve to be with my family for the holidays.

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