Wednesday, January 26, 2005


I had dinner with A tonight. I don't know why but we always wind up going to Italian restaurants. We have to throw some diversity into dinners. Everyone there was on a date, except for us. We could tell the people there were on their initial dates, you know the ones where you are still on your best behavior, putting your best self forward.

Conversation was fun as always further proven by the eavesdroppers in the next table. We've become those people we complain about...the ones that talk about work outside of work. When the hell did that happen? We talked about the chaos we have each been facing in our respective jobs.

I made a strong effort not to ask about her boyfriend. I figured if she wanted to talk about him, she would. Sure enough, she did. She expects a proposal this year. I hope she gets one, because even though she does not come right out and say it, it's what she wants. They've been together 11 years.

I met A when she had been with him for 8 years. Back then I thought that was crazy. I started asking the annoying question she got from the other people in her life, "When are you planning on getting married?"
Sometime later I realized it was none of my damn business and that maybe the arrangement they have is working for them. Obviously it is working for them, many marriages don't last as long as their relationship.

I'm happy that she is happy. We are friends but I wouldn't say we are close friends. It's funny, but there are distinctions in friendships. She told me she wanted a small wedding with only her family and close friends. Right that second, I knew I was not going to get an invitation. I don't fit the definition of close friend. And that's okay, but I'd want to witness a church ceremony, don't care much for the reception. ;)

Close friends? Hmmm. The number has diminished. Time and distance have not helped. Many people consider me their close friend, but I don't consider them mine. That means I am an equal-opportunity friend. hahahhah

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