Friday, March 18, 2005


As I am walking to my car this morning I see a leak of who-knows-what coming from my car, that is not a good sign. Not a good sign at all. I have to telecommute due to the unexpected car problem. I wait all day for the fateful call that will inform me the price of my discovery. At 3PM the call comes through, which starts and ends with this: "We need to check that you did not cause any engine damage. We are going to have to keep it here."

Wasn't I planning a vacation just a few days ago? Wasn't I looking forward to escaping? Wasn't I one hour from seriously contemplating buying a ticket to Hawaii? Yes, yes, and yes.

Engine trouble were the only words I needed to hear for me to put a stop to any and all vacation plans. I don't like unexpected surprises like that.

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