Saturday, April 16, 2005


To celebrate my 31st birthday, I ran off to Seattle. I needed to think about my life and what I want. Am I doing what I need to do to get what I want and what I need? I reflected on the last three decades. What I've done right. What I've done wrong. What needs improvement. Oh yeah and have some fun.

Seattle is a beautiful city. One that I would not mind moving to as a matter of fact. Great weather, so much for the rainy reputation. I even got a tan while I was there. Seattle reminds me of San Francisco only cleaner and greener and it brought back great memories of Vancouver. Therefore, I think I am meant to be in the Northwest. Next stop Portland?

Today I spent the day at Seattle Center, which contains both the Space Needle. and Pacific Science Center. Tourist trap? I'm sure of it, but it was fun.

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