Sunday, February 19, 2006

Human Body

I've watched more of the Torino games this weekend than any day last week. The conclusion: a fit body is sexy. No discrimination: men, women I find them both sexy. The 'sexy' comes from admiration of the training, the discipline, the grit, the mental and physical strength, the grace, the attitude. Yep, it's respect.

My commentary is not about tht slim aspect either, because I've seen overweight bodies that are sexy also. (Yes, it's possible.) It has to do a lot with how a person carries themselves. But these Olympic bodies are about strength. More power to them.

Ice dancing has been big tonight. Talk about beauty in that event. Why don't I ever remember seeing ice dancing televised before? Maybe because the U.S. never had any contenders before... That's ridiculous! It should be a love of sport, not a love of the sports Americans are competing in. I won't lie, I always root for the Americans...can't help it.

I tell you makes me want to go out there and start training for something. jejejej

Coined a new phrase

I am a "foreigner snob." Does that make sense? I'm watching the Olympics and if Italians are being interviewed I stop what I am doing to focus. Since high school, I've had a thing for Italians and these Torino games have proven to me that this feeling is alive and well.

I've entertained the thought, only the thought, of allowing myself a one night stand when I travel to Italy. Me?! One of the most conservative and old fashioned people I know. Is there such a thing as an Italian fetish? If there is , sign me up for the 12 step recovery program.

Went to a baptism this afternoon. The family is from the Philippines. When I hear the word godparents to me it means a set of people, preferably married, who promise to guide and if necessary take care of the child. When they asked parents and godparents to step up to the altar, I expected to see 4 adults and the baby. What I saw was 12 adults and the baby. Somehow all these people are godparents of that one child. I've never seen this before, it has to be a cultural thing. I'll ask on Tuesday.

Everyone at the baptism was Filipino except for the priest, the person helping the priest and me. Apparently this was not clear to the people there, because people kept coming up to me and speaking to me in Tagalog. (smile) Sorry, I don't understand. This only made them think I was the Americanized Filipina. Sure, whatever.

I went to see The New World. I liked this movie. The love story, the hearbreak, the scenery, 'Rebecca' making the right decision in the end, the understanding of her husband. Colin Farrell. Colin Farrell with long hair. Well, quite a few people walked out because they found it boring. Per my own humble opinion, this movie was not boring. It was very interesting. So much so, that I had added to my list of to-dos: read about John Smith/Pocahontas.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Will be heard

That was my plan when I stepped into my boss' office this afternoon. There were three things to discuss: my yearly review, my raise and my discontent.

The review was fine, nothing to get upset about. It wasn't great, but could have been worse. I call it a dime a dozen. This was where I finally understood this man knows nothing about me and really doesn't care. Having previously worked with managers who care, not pretend to care, but actually care...this was completely disheartening.

The raise was normal, nothing to write home about.

My discontent. I realize now I was playing with fire. I started by expressing my disatisfaction, which did not get a second thought. In one ear and out the other. I wasn't willing to let this slide. I told him I was looking for another job and had been asked how quickly I could transfer. His reaction could have been one of "go ahead" or " don't." It was neither. This was the magic bullet. This is where I had his attention. His concern readable on his face. He was shocked. "What can I do to change your mind?" Nothing, this is something I am thinking about. "Is this your offical notice that you are looking for another position?" No, not official, but I just want you to know how unhappy I am. "Is there anything I can do to change your mind?" No, I just want you to know where I stand as of now. Thank you for your time. I'll keep you posted.

I'm thinking about it. That's all I can say. I've mentally gone through the pros and cons, but it needs more time.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy V-day

Why not? I always want to applaud love, even if it's not part of my life now. Who would have pegged me! for a romantic. ehheehhe

My mother had out-patient surgery today. It could not be avoided, she's been getting infections on the tubing in her chest. I pray I can help her with the transplant this year. She's well. Pain medication, but it's better for her long term...fewer infections.

Sunday, February 12, 2006


I really tired myself out yesterday. I did not wake up in time for my 8:30 meeting this morning. I opened my eyes at 9:12 AM. Not the way I wanted to start Sunday.

Maybe I'll watch some olympics or something. I need to clean the apartment. But I can already tell I will find every excuse in the book to delay that as long as possible.

Talked to M today. We're getting into this routine where all we do is complain. It's tiring to complain. I told her next time it needs to be all positive, because we can't continue this way. Who'd want to anyway.

Saturday, February 11, 2006


It took some will power on my part to make it to the park for a bit of hiking. I usually like to be there at 8AM to get it over with and avoid the sun. I made it out at 12PM. I asked a couple of people if they wanted to join me but they already had plans, so I went alone...not the smartest thing. For the first stretch I saw no one and I started to get a little freaked out by some noises. Sounds like someone stepping on branches or random noises. There was this one sound that really got under my skin. It took me about an hour to figure out it was coming from the water bottle in my jacket pocket.

I have not been hiking in a long time and I can tell. I was struggling with ascending and struggling with descending. Ascending is a problem because it takes a lot out of me, signs of my age and further proof of being out of shape. Descending is a problem because I don't trust my footing. I was right about not trusting my footing. I took a fall when I thought I was stepping on a root and it turned out to be a twig that gave way. I was not hurt only got a little dirty.

So there I am descending and my phone rings...there was a message. I called my friend back and we started to chat. I told her it was ridicuous to be communing with nature and have a cell phone attached to my ear. Since we had not spoken in a while, we decided to talk until I lost reception. I finally saw some people on the trail...and what do they see. A hiker with a cell phone. It's not as bad as a hiker with a cigarrette hanging of his lip, is it?

It was great to be out there although I am now exhausted. It's a different kind of tired. I think I might go out again next weekend as long as the rain stays away.

5.68 miles. Let that be my minimum distance for this year.

Friday, February 10, 2006

No time wasted

I avoided a phone call today. The phone call where I would have to decide if I really wanted to move to another group. I'll take this weekend to think about whether I want to risk burning some bridges.

We've been having beautiful weather. It's a minor break from the rain. I plan to take advantage of it by going hiking....if I wake up early enough.

I'm watching the Turin opening ceremony. All the athletes appeared cool, calm and collected albeit excited...until the Americans came out. Jumping in front of the cameras. Not all of them, of course, but enough. I was surprised to see this behaviour surpassed by the Italians. For once it's okay to come in second. ;)

I need/want to make it to Italy this year. The plan was to be there in April but that is not going to happen until later this year. This is why I sometimes don't like to make plans, to plan and not have it work out is disappointing. Maybe I should 'plan' for a spontaneous trip.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Empty Threat

I don't make threats. Today while expressing my discontent with a situation at work my words were perceived as a threat...that I was ready to leave the group. I have been very unhappy this week due to the amount of work that has been assigned to me. And unrealistic amount, if you ask me. They didn't ask me, but I experienced no qualms letting the powers that be know.

The reaction: 'If you feel this is not where you belong then you should start networking.'

This took me by surprise. I emailed a few people to see what else is going on in other groups. Change is good. But if there is going to be a change it needs to be at the company level not at the group level.

This is my drama which was soon put into perspective when I spoke to my mother. She told me my cousin's husband died. Their home burned down. My cousin and the children are okay, he didn't make it. To be widowed at 29 is big. Like I said, it put things in perspective.

Monday, February 06, 2006


We all get bad moods. I occasionally wake up on the wrong side of the bed. I try not to subject people to my bad mood by staying at my desk and not socializing. Today I ran into one of the co-workers and I could tell immediately she was in a mood. I did not want to ask "What's wrong?" because today I didn't feel like listening. She was not pleased with me.

What's worse though: me pretending to want to listen to something I don't want to listen to or not putting myself in the situation where it would be obvious as hell I don't want to hear it?

On a sad note, the mother of one of my c-workers died on Saturday. She was 91 years old. A cold turned into pneumonia and she died peacefully. Immediately thoughts about my loved ones.


My friend came to the conclusion that I am attracted to "petite" men. I started laughing because I thought she was crazy, but she may be on to something. Petite could mean a lot of things. She meant lean, normal height and she is absolutely right. When I used to (back in the day) go to the gym every single day I'd get to see the body builders and they did nothing fo me visually. All I saw were thick, sweaty guys.

During our conversation today, she told me she saw "my man" on tv. She was talking about Anderson Cooper, "the American Jorge Ramos." If Cooper is giving the news report, I'm going to watch it. If Ramos is giving the news, I'm going to watch it.
If we follow her formula, I'm attracted to lean, gray haired, intelligent men. Is that so bad?

If you ask my other friend, I'm attracted to Persian men and Italians.

If you ask me today, I'm attracted to tattoed tough guys with a sense of humor.

The common denominator is that they have to be "petite."