Monday, February 06, 2006


My friend came to the conclusion that I am attracted to "petite" men. I started laughing because I thought she was crazy, but she may be on to something. Petite could mean a lot of things. She meant lean, normal height and she is absolutely right. When I used to (back in the day) go to the gym every single day I'd get to see the body builders and they did nothing fo me visually. All I saw were thick, sweaty guys.

During our conversation today, she told me she saw "my man" on tv. She was talking about Anderson Cooper, "the American Jorge Ramos." If Cooper is giving the news report, I'm going to watch it. If Ramos is giving the news, I'm going to watch it.
If we follow her formula, I'm attracted to lean, gray haired, intelligent men. Is that so bad?

If you ask my other friend, I'm attracted to Persian men and Italians.

If you ask me today, I'm attracted to tattoed tough guys with a sense of humor.

The common denominator is that they have to be "petite."

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