Friday, May 14, 2004


Earlier this year someone asked me if I spoke Mexican. I started laughing waiting for the joke that had to follow that question. No joke came and the question was posed again. I couldn't believe it. After stating that I speak Spanish, I was corrected and told I speak Mexican. I offered a quick explanation, but I'm not certain I convinced him.

Well, I tried to watch a Spanish movie and I think I do speak Mexican. heheehehe I couldn't understand what the actors were saying. I debated whether to turn on the English or Spanish subtitles. I went with the Spanish subtitles and was very surprised that I could not understand the actors. The darn accent and speed. Enunciate. Don't get me wrong I understood some of the dialogue, but I would have been lost as was pretty evident to me within the first ten minutes.

Mondays in the Sun
This film is about a group of friends who are unemployed and trying to find their place again. (I know I've seen an Irish film with the exact same premise, but I can't remember the name.) It was quite moving to see these guys struggle with their day-to-day life...due to the fact that I know a few people who have gotten laid off and have struggled to get back in the workforce.

Ageism is one of the topics touched. The only character that is actively searching for work reads an advertisement which specifically states ages 20 - 35 wanted for applicants. Interviewers in the States can ask you if you are over 18 but not how old you actually are. No that does not stop ageism from taking place but poses a little obstable.
There is a scene where this same character's son is teaching him how to do something on the computer. Since I have received phone calls from my parents asking "how do we [enter elementary function here]," I could absolutely empathize!

Another character was having problems with his wife bringing in the money while he was unemployed. The idea of a stay-at-home husband would not be one he would embrace. Should I ever get married and make enough money, I would very much love to have a stay-at-home husband who could possibly become a stay-at-home dad, because the domestic homemaker stuff does not appeal to me. Reminds me off my thoughts of getting together with a chef. ;)

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