Friday, May 21, 2004

Movies Galore

When I started blogging, I did not intend to comment on movies regularly. Now I want to look back and see what exactly I viewed and what I thought about them. Often times I've seen movies and forgot I saw them or what I thought of them. Thinking about it, one of my *dream* jobs would consist of movies, music and reading.

Super Size Me
Oh my, this movie was disgusting, disturbing, informative, funny, and great. It's in the same category as Bowling for Columbine.

McDonald's is not 100% to blame for people being fat, but I believe they represent a part of the obesity problem. Having said that...
Anyone who has kids or eats fast food should watch this movie. I grew up on fast food (including McDonald's) and until a few years ago was a somewhat frequent patron. I can't wait to see some of the long term effects.
I consider myself an informed consumer, but I had no idea. No, I am not going to stop eating fast food. I love In&Out food. What's the saying: "Everything in moderation." I'll hold myself accountable.

13 Going on 30
I went to see this for two reasons. I'm an Alias fan. (Reports are right, Jennifer Garner is the next Julia Roberts moviewise.) I just turned 30. The music, the clothes and the hairstyles of the 13 year old in the movie...been there, done that. ;) It was funny to watch. Who doesn't like a romantic comedy anyway?

When I start my DVD collection this movie will definitely be part of it. I loved this movie. It made me cry. Anyone who has experienced a tumultuous relationship with their mom for whatever reasons will identify with this movie on some level.
Don't expect beautiful Spanish scenery or action sequences instead a lot of dialogue and still shots.

Made me think how the tiniest gesture can have an effect on a stranger's life: good or bad. Relationships are formed between neighbors during the course of this movie. (No, not romantic.) I've been living in my apartment for over three years and I don't know any of my neighbors. I can't say I've had an effect on their lives or them on mine.

Mouth to Mouth
Another Spanish film. This was genuinely funny in a different way. It was all over the map. Refreshing comedy, if you will. Struggling actor takes a job as a phone sex operator and everything goes down hill from there.

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