Saturday, January 31, 2004


I have this theory that if I work on a weekend, I'll have less stress during the
coming week. It's all about controlling the stress.

Since I was the only one on my floor I had music as loud as I wanted playing
in the background. My choice for the day was the Sundays from my early days.

Then I heard the loud Indian music.

Friday, January 30, 2004

Friday already?

It's sad when instead of being happy Friday is here and the weekend is hours away to
wish that it were only Tuesday and that time was passing s-l-o-w-l-y.
I have too many deliverables this week and they are taking their toll on my sanity.
Examples: I locked myself out of my XP box, forgot my UNIX password and could not
help someone with a regular expression. What the %&*$!

I did get an excellent review for 2003. Not excellent enough for a promotion
[working on letting that go...], but great for the upcoming bonus. ;)

French Films

You know what I like about French films? I like that the people in them look like
average people. People you'd see sitting at Starbucks, grocery shopping, walking down
the street on a regular work the co-worker you see every day but don't
necessarily know. The cast of Amelie (one of my all-time favorite films) comes
to mind.

The Housekeeper
I liked this film. It reminded me of the roles in Lost in Translation except these
two took it to the next level.

Wednesday, January 28, 2004


I know pre-teens and maybe even teens laugh at the possible mispronunciation of Fockers. But having my mother mess it up, was just hilarious specially since that was not her intention. I bugged her the rest of the day, "What was the name of the movie?" just to hear her say it again.

Meet the Fockers
We thought Meet the Parents was funny and the sequel did not disappoint us. Robert De Niro's character reminds me of my dad when he met my first boyfriend. It was something else. I feel sorry for the next guy I introduce to my dad and brother. ;)

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Crappy Day

Late start this morning.


Late to first meeting.

Everyone wanted everything YESTERDAY.

Unplanned tasks took over most of the day.

Did not get promotion.

Worked longer than planned.

Got a parking ticket.

On a brighter note, I read this great article on the first expeditions to Mount Everest,
which reminded me of my planned Half Dome hike. No, not comparing the two. Let's
face it, Half Dome will be my Everest. ;)

Monday, January 26, 2004

Societal Norms

I rarely think of myself as old-fashioned or being affected by societal norms.
Yes, I like to think I can form my opinions without being influenced by outside
factors. Since I don't live in a bubble, this is unlikely. Consciously, with
some work, it's possible; subconsciously it's a different story.

a: Someone is cheating on spouse.
me: What's his name?
a: I didn't say it was the guy.
me: Oh please, it can't be the girl.

I just assumed it was the guy without a second thought.

No, cheating is not a societal norm. Atleast, I'd like to think it is not. But, most
people do think that when cheating is involved the dog is the guy.

Which brings me to the following assumption: fathers leave their families not mothers.
Not so. I know, but it's the first thing that comes to mind.

The mother leaves her family in this film. It took a few minutes to adjust. I goes
against the norm.

This film was funny, sad and based on a true story. The little kids were adorable.

Sunday, January 25, 2004

Apartment Hunting

It's time to move. Where? Haven't quite decided or researched for that matter.
I hate moving. It's amazing how much junk one person can accumulate.

Part of me wants to give up the commute, which means my guaranteed two
hours of reading would be gone.

Location or amenities? Hopefully a nice compromise.

In preparation for a possible move, paper shredding has begun and inventory is taking
place (what to keep, what to give away, what to throw out).

Paper Shredder

It's sad to get this much joy out of my latest purchase. I have years of information that needs
to be shredded.

Why don't I just rip those papers up and throw them out?

A friend of mine was a victim of identity theft. Someone applied for credit cards and checking
accounts. He (or she) proceeded to max out the credit cards and bounce checks. Friend can no
longer write checks because she is in 'the system.' And the worse thing, friend had an arrest
warrant out in her 'name' and she had to turn herself in. She had to hire a lawyer to go to court to
try and clear up all of these problems. More than a year later she is still suffereing the consequences
of identity theft.

Lesson learned: better safe than sorry.

Saturday, January 24, 2004

The Amish

I thought the Amish were mainly found in Pennsylvania. I was wrong. You can find
the Amish in various states, e.g., Florida, Indiana, Ohio, etc.

I'm not very knowledgeable on their beliefs, but I know they choose to live outside of
modernity and follow the Bible to the letter. They choose to stop education at about
the 8th grade. Women are second class citizens, no 50/50 idealism.

It's hard for me to understand why anyone would want to live outside of modern times
voluntarily. But, at the same time I find this way of life oddly intriguing and peaceful.

Devil's Playground
I found this documentary very interesting due to the contrast.

"... At age 16, Amish youngsters are allowed to break free of the religion's strict code of conduct
to decide whether they want to be baptized as adults. During the period of 'rumspringa,' a Pennsylvania
Dutch term that means 'running around,' they often date, drink, drive cars and move away from
their homes.

The majority return to the faith. ..."

Of course, reality t.v. could not be far behind: Amish and the City

Thursday, January 22, 2004


me, that is.

If you see Roger & Me on DVD, make sure to watch Michael Moore's

I gave a warning about the Thumper scene in the previous post. I did not give a
warning about the black male that was shot. Moore commented on this action by
movie viewers.

That is sad.

Better Late than Never

Damn, it took me over a decade to watch this. I would probably be deep
in nonprofits had I seen this docu-film in my more impressionable years.

Roger & Me
This docu-film was great. It was funny (in a different way) and eye-opening even if it
was released in 1989. People never fail to amaze me. They either do not think
before they speak or really have no clue. That happened a few times in this film,
specifically the rich people talking about the laid off blue-collar workers. It sheds a
brighter light to 'walk a mile in someone else's shoes.'

I'm on the fence about a segment in the film. Factories going to Mexico for the
cheaper labor. I have seen the poverty of Mexico. Mexico provides a competitive
(wage-wise) alternative labor pool. Businesswise it makes sense. Having witnessed
the poverty there it makes sense. As an 'American', it is hard to justify.

Fast-forward to present day and ask me how I feel about companies, including the
one I am employed by, sending software development to India. Don't like it.
I'm directly affected in one way or another by this money saving strategy.
Let Russia and China open up and things will be dire indeed. So when I hear
management complaining about employee loyalty, I can't help but ask 'Where is
the company's loyalty to its employees?'

My first intro to Michael Moore's work was Bowling for Columbine.
My friend and I were speechless walking out of that theatre. Dialogue continued
for days and we proceeded to spread word about the film to our friends. Those
friends who really needed to see the film and maybe would have a change of heart
regarding their own personal views.

Roger & Me reminded me of three things.

  1. Nickel and Dimed

    This book reinforced what I have forgotten. It's tough to live on minimum wage.
    Minimum wage for me was $4.25/hr back in the day, except I wasn't 'making a
    living' I was earning weekend spending money.

  2. Broken Window Theory

    I was given this link from the perspective of software development chaos.
    The 'broken window' for Flint, Michigan was GM leaving.

  3. White-collar woes

    "Walk a mile in someone else's shoes," who knows, I may be destined to do the same.

Be warned: Roger & Me has a very graphic scene involving a bunny. Thumper?

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Entertainment Weekly #737 Nov. 14, 2003

My friend let me borrow this magazine. Here are the things I want to read or see.

Gabrial Garcia Marquez's Living to Tell the Tale or Vivir para contarla.
Have to decide if I want to read it fast (English) or if I don't mind it taking a bit longer (Spanish).

Wendy French's sMothering
Fun chick literature genre.

Mitch Albom's The Five People You Meet in Heaven
Tuesdays with Morrie need I say more?

Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code
Someone said the origins of Friday the 13th was explained in this book.

Michael Moore's Dude, Where's My Country
Who by the way has decided to endorse Wesley Clark for President.

The following are recommendations courtesy of Stephen King, who wrote,
"'s a list of good films I've seen during the last 15 years."
[The additional comments are my own to refresh my own memory.]

The Usual Suspects
I believe this film is worthy of ownership. One of the few I've seen more than once.

Have this in my rental queue.

There's Something About Mary
Seen it, was not crazy about it.

Sling Blade
I saw this a lifetime ago and remember it was powerful, but not much else.
Time to rent it.

Saw it, can't remember if I liked it.

The Matrix
Maybe worthy of ownership.

Stir of Echoes

American Beauty
Kevin Spacey is one of my favorite actors.

Wonder Boys
Liked it.

The Sixth Sense
Loved it. Ownership worthy.

High Fidelity
Didn't like it.


In the Bedroom
It was okay.

Cinema Paradiso
Recently saw it. Great movie.


Mystic River
Looks too depressing, but I'll plan to watch it.

Modern 'Annoyances'

Electric toothbrushes. I finally decided to give it a try. Don't like it. It has a sensor
mechanism that detects pressure. If it senses you are applying too much pressure,
it stops. Either the thing is defective or I have been applying too much pressure all
my life. I'll have to have a chat with my dentist.

Cell phones. Imagine my surprise to discover 12 voicemails on the cell phone. [Not
really surprised.] What's the deal with calling the thing in the first place, if I have
forewarned about it being only for emergency use. It's either off or silenced at
the bottom of my bag. Come on now...
Things I hate:
-Cell phones ringing in theatres. Didn't you see the request to turn it off before the
movie began? And then you have the gall to answer it!
-Cell phones ringing in church. That is just plain wrong. God should give you a call.
-Cell phones on public transportation. It is public so I can't stop you, but
do you have to scream into it?

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

American Idol and Reality TV

American Idol is back again. You have to give it to the contestants, it really
takes guts to stand there and be criticized while at the same time possibly have your
dream shattered.

The Apprentice: Let's see which person winds up working for Donald Trump.
I'll bet it's one of the females in the end.
[I am not ambitious, which makes me glad I changed majors in the end.]

America's Next Top Model: Unrealistic standards of beauty reinforced
with just a touch of cattiness.

Survivor: All-Stars is coming and I'm looking forward to it.

Yep, reality t.v. is fun. It makes up for all the psychology and sociology classes I never
signed up for.

Monday, January 19, 2004

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Following is an excerpt of a
speech read in many history classes, seen in documentaries, and which
has moved me in the past and present.

Delivered on the steps at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C.
on August 28, 1963.

"... I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live
out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be
self-evident: that all men are created equal." I have a dream that
one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves
and the sons of former slaveowners will be able to sit down together
at a table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day even the
state of Mississippi, a desert state, sweltering with the heat of
injustice and oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom
and justice. I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a
nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by
the content of their character. I have a dream today.
When we let freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and
every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed
up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews
and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and
sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last! free at last!
thank God Almighty, we are free at last!"
-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Entire speech, click here.

Sunday, January 18, 2004

Hiking Shoes

My aim for today was to get a new pair of hiking shoes. Since rain seems
to be a thing of the past, it's time to get back out there. My legs hurt
just thinking about it.

Did not find the hiking shoes, but I did find another pair that came home with
me. ;)


Netflix is paying off.

Yana's Friends
I was surprised and moved by this film. The plight of immigrants in a new country is
always touching. Want to talk about eye-opening scenes?
It has to involve gas masks and not just as a film prop. Considering people in Israel,
where the film is based, do own these things and use them on occasion, it was a bit too
real. Brought back the images of people in China wearing face masks during the SARS

How to Deal
Teen movie. Mandy Moore could be the next Meg Ryan. (I read that somewhere, and now
I believe it.)

Saturday, January 17, 2004


I had not been to Ikea in over two years. Parking is a pain. Traffic is
murder. Since I had to go to work and it was on my way home, I
decided to stop and see if anything had changed.

Nope, nothing had changed. Same cute/weird stuff. That is why I stay
away. When I walk into Ikea, I ask myself, "What do I want?"
Note how that should actually read "What do I NEED?"
The answer is: I don't need anything.

I walked out with kitchen stuff and other junk. Let see, it is the seventeenth
day of 2004 and I have yet to cook anything in my own home. The funny thing
is one look at my kitchen and no one could help but conclude that I must be a
great cook. Wishful thinking. Subconsciously, I must think that if the kitchen
looks inviting and nice I would eventually go in there and cook. We'll see if
my subconscious is correct.

Ikea is also a great place to people watch. Any onlooker is guaranteed to see
the following:

  1. people who just moved in together
  2. couple's disagreeing (read: fighting)
  3. bored men
  4. people trying to remember how big the space is where the new thing is
    suppose to go
  5. bored kids running around to not be bored

The first two things got me to thinking about couple's and how I am not part
of one. Then came the real question: Do I want to be in a relationship?
After some contemplation the answer was still no. I'll have to revisit this later.

People should control their darn kids.

Saturday + Work = $%@#$^*(^

Working on a Saturday sucks! And it sucks even more when it is
partially your own fault for having to be there in the first place.

Late Friday it came to my attention that something could be possibly
misconfigured. To find this out at the beginning of what was to be a
three day weekend, which was to be spent in Los Angeles, f*cking sucks!

Friday, January 16, 2004

Books on Tape

I've known books on tape have been around for a while, but I've
never really bothered. Well, I bothered. I reserved a book on tape
from the library months ago and I finally got it.

Steve Martin's Shopgirl. Yes, the same Steve Martin who starred in the
Three Amigos, L.A. Story, and Father of the Bride among many other films.

Skeptical as I was initially, I am now a fan of his writing. He knows how to tell a
story. Straightforward story, but he captured the complex emotions so well.

I looked forward to listening to this story about every other day depending on
my schedule. My imagination was fine-tuned with this recording. I could sit back,
relax and imagine it all.

Lazy? Could be; but, I don't really care. I enjoyed reading time as a young kid.
One of my favorite memories has to do with my ex and I reading to each other.

I look forward to reading or listening to books in the future, which will include
other works by Steve Martin.

Thursday, January 15, 2004


a: You need to have a CYA meeting or write a CYA email.

b: What do you mean?

a: C.Y.A.

b: ?

a: Cover Your *ss

Gotta love the corporate world.


"Synchronicities are people, places or events that your soul attracts into your
life - for one reason or another. There are no accidents. Sometimes these lead
to learning lessons - mostly they are about spiritual growth and your purpose

My soul has some explaining to do.

This was the topic of conversation during lunch. Interesting concept.

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Morning Pollution

A typical weekday morning:

1. Alarm blasts on and stays tuned to my favorite radio station where talk
prevails and music is rare
2. Set the television to the Weather Channel
3. Check work email [If not, I'll easily have 40+ by the time I get there.]
4. Check personal email
5. Read news
6. Check train schedule
7. And if I'm really lucky, the phone will ring. grrrr

Oh yeah, make sure I get ready between all of the above.

What happened to awakening to the singing bird outside my window?

Technology, both old and new, is taking over my life. I need to go 'zen.'

Comments died and resurrected

"BlogSpeak is in the process of being acquired by HaloScan. Everyone's
account will be transferred there, with all comments in tact. Further information
will be posted here in the coming days to advise you how to take advantage
of this. Also, an email will be sent to all users informing them of the switch.

Looking people in the eye

I've picked up a nasty little habit. I stopped looking people in the eye.
I hate it when people don't look me in the eye, so how did I start?

A 'thank you' without eye contact diminishes the 'thank you.'

I first noticed this behavior when I spent the better part of my days with
tunnel-visioned engineers and thought them completely rude...lacking
social skills.

Although I understand now where they were in thought:
"I have to finish w, x, and y by three. Oh, and can't forget z! Did I send that email?"

The 'why' doesn't matter. This behavior must be axed.

Stop. Look. [ Smile | Listen | Speak ]+


My friend tells me next week he'll decide whether to move to Arizona.
I'll miss him, even though I feel like I am pulling teeth when starting
a conversation with him. Hooray for shy people. I use to be and
sometimes still am one of them.

Leaving temporarily? Me. Maybe. Los Angeles to visit this weekend.
It will depend on work.

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Dinner and a movie

There is a group of us that loves movies, but we can't seem to be able
to make a regular go of it due to our erratic work schedules.
Well, finally, we made it to a film, but first came the Thai food. Why is it
that when it comes time to make a decision no one will make it?

x: Where do you want to go?
y: I don't know, where do you want to go?
me: I don't care, I'm not the vegetarian.

It never fails. If you have dietary restrictions, it's best to jump at the
opportunity to pick a place. They were the vegetarians afterall not me.
Thai food it was. I'm not crazy about Thai food, but as long as it is not
seafood, I'm okay with it. Top that with varying conversation tidbits and
we were off to a good start.

Lost in Translation
Good movie, except I expected to like it a lot more than I did. Part of it was
I could not relate.

My friends have both been in situations where they were foreigners living
abroad. One of them lived in Tokyo without speaking Japanese. One of them
lived in Ecuador with limited Spanish. They experienced culture shock.
I've never experienced that. I've been to Canada and speak English. I've been
to Mexico and speak Spanish. I've never been up a creek as far as communication
is concerned, except on two different stops in Chinatown where people started
conversations in Chinese. Oh, and the time I went to a Persian restaurant and
the waitress got annoyed that I would not order in Farsi. I guess I blend in. Go

Will they, won't they? I'm glad they didn't.

Lost in direction? Sure I question my life sometimes. Who doesn't?

Lost in communication? Pay attention to the marriages. They instilled fear in me.

Peaceful geisha. Serene Shinto shrine with the 'paper' decorated branches.
["By tying the piece of paper around a tree's branch, good fortune will come
true or bad fortune can be averted." ]
I loved the Tokyo scenery. So lively. So stress-inducing.

Scarlett Johansson's beautiful lips and her character's knitted scarf. ;)

To top it all off, this morning on my way to work a young lady approached me.
Her accent sounded Swedish.

Tourist: Direction? [Pointing to her map.]
Me: Hi, where do you want to go?
Tourist: Direction please. [Smiled, hands me map.]
Me: Ferry Building [pointing to tower] is there.
Union Square is that way [pointing as far as eye can see in opposite direction]
Tourist: Ferry Building, thank you.
Me: Have fun. [Smiled]

Sunday, January 11, 2004

Broken Key

I rarely remember my dreams.

I was rushing to work after having overslept or simply forgotten I had
to go to work. After running to the car, I insert the key into the ignition
and the damn key breaks. Part of the key in my hand, the other part
stuck in the ignition...

"To see broken keys in your dream, signifies many quarrels and possibly
a break-up."

DVD Rentals

I really enjoyed this movie. Boxing is no joke. I took a class a few years ago. I was
winded before the darn pretend three minute sparring round was over. I appreciated
the work Michelle Rodriguez had to put in to train for this film.
The grittiness of the film was great since not everyone is upper middle class happy.

There was some slow background music during fight and training scenes. The music
made it all seem poetic. It dawned on me the huge impact music has in films. Never
really thought about it before, even after buying a few soundtracks.

All this got me thinking, has there been a movie, say in the last twenty years, where
music has been absent from the film?

The Hours
I avoided this film for a long time. It looked too depressing. I was right.
Talk about a tormented existence times three. I enjoyed it.

A movie that makes me want to read the books it was based on is rare. I will be
checking out the following books:
1. Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf
2. The Hours by Michael Cunningham

Then I will watch the movie again.

Cinema Paradiso Director's Cut
I cried. Need I say more. This movie came highly recommended and yet it took me
this long to view it. I should have listened.
The friendship was beautiful!
How long does it take to get over unrequited love anyway? I hope it never takes me
that long.

There are two versions of this film. I saw the latest release, which I believe answered
questions that the original did not.

Porn Buddy Concept

I heard of this concept watching an episode of BBC's Coupling. Although
the concept revolved around porn on the show, it could easily be expanded
to include other things.

The concept is the following:
If I happen to die an untimely death, a buddy of mine would come into my
home (he/she would have a key) and remove any material/information I would
not want my family (or anyone else for that matter) to know about.

Initially the idea was just funny, then I caught myself thinking about it days
afterward and thinking it was a great idea.
FYI: I don't own porn.

Friday, January 09, 2004


A friend asked me if I'd consider being roommates. Financially it makes sense.
But, I'm not sold on the idea. My privacy is too precious.

Both of us are quick-tempered.

I'm going to think about it.

Thursday, January 08, 2004

Cirque du Soleil

One of my friends finally let me know she won't be able to go to the
Los Angeles showing of Varekai.
Therefore, I need to try an get to Las Vegas to see the resident shows there.

I have plans to go see 'Quidam' in Calgary this summer. Let's hope those
plans work out for me.

If you have never seen a Cirque show, I highly recommend you do. There
aren't words that can capture the whole experience. I've been asked to
describe my 'Alegria' experience in December. I was pretty much speechless
after saying, "beautiful."

It single-handedly made me appreciate the performing arts. Better late than never.

AM Meeting

I had no choice. I had to schedule an 8:30am meeting for tomorrow. This
after I left work at 10pm. It's all due to confusion. People don't talk to
each other about how they want their products to behave. Consequently,
it's a last minute rush to get people talking and come to a common understanding.
Get them to write it down in an email and if the sh*t hits the fan, there is proof.

A co-worker and I took a ping pong break around 5pm. It's relaxing even with
all the mistakes I make.

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Not a morning person

There are days I really wish I were a morning person. It can be done; but, I know
that if I go into work early I will wind up staying just as late anyway.

I've seen how work can take over people's lives. Last time I looked that was not
part of my job description.

Monday, January 05, 2004

2004 Calendars

I have to go get calendars for the home and office. Yes, I wait until they go
on sale and usually get to choose from decent leftovers at half the price.


I am one of the newest members at Netflix.
Have to put the DVD player to use.

Public Transportation

I commute to work. Lucky me, it is a 45 minute ride in good old public

I'm not one to talk to strangers let alone smile at them (see New Year's resolution);
but, it is a little sad that not many people acknowledge each other on these rides.
I'm guilty, but only because I get lost in whatever I am reading.
There are times when I don't have reading material and can observe the
people around me.

Some people want to sleep. Some people want to read. Some just have a
blank stare on their face probably going over the day's events or what is or is not
waiting for them at home.

Why don't people talk to each other?
Is it fear?
Is it rudeness?
Is it self-absorption?
Lack of social skills?

I've traveled towards the midwest area. Strangers greet each other with a
freakin' smile for goodness sake. I have friends from other countries,
they are faster to smile and greet than we are. These are the type of people
that are a breath of fresh air in mundane day-to-day life.

Saturday, January 03, 2004

Surprise Christmas Gift

I picked up a package that has been sitting at the leasing office for about
a week. My friend sent me a DVD player. Nice surprise. Thanks Rori!

Now I am tempted to go buy a new TV. I've had my 13" TV for 8 years!
My goodness I did not realize it had been that long and it still works like a charm.

I did not expect this dilemma. What to do, what to do.

Matinee Queen

Yes, I am the matinee queen. It is the only way to support my movie habit.

Today's pick was In America.
Why is it that I always seem to be the youngest person at non-mainstream movies?
Not to worry, I have always considered myself an "old soul."

Maybe it has to do with the fact that I watch so many movies, but this film was predictable.
The two child actors were great though. I almost shed a tear at one point.

Friday, January 02, 2004

Voyeurism as an addiction

1. a person who obtains a sexual gratification by looking at sexual objects or acts, esp. secretively
2. a person who derives exaggerated or unseemly enjoyment from being an observer

I'm referring to #2, people. In geek speak, we can substitute the word lurking (not stalking).
I first recognized the signs when I noticed I liked looking into people's homes if they had the
curtains open. I thought to myself, "I would never do that. Anyone can look in and you
never know who's out there. But look at that painting, it's nice. ... Cool decor. ... That sofa
has got to go. ... ..."

It all started innocently enough via knitting blogs mentioned in a knitting magazine!
One blog linked to a non-knitting blog. I liked the sarcastic writing.
I would read it every other day. Eventually, I was looking for updates every day
except she does not update often.
Then it was a feminist's blog, which I can't even remember how I found. Then it was some
of the blogs on her blog list.

Then it was Spanish blogs to "not forget the language and maybe learn a word or two."

Recently, I discovered photoblogs.

I have 29 blogs on my to read list.

Now I have started my own blog.

Is there no end to this madness?

This is reminding me of my chatting phase/addiction years ago.
That was bad. [long, deep sigh...]

It could be worse, it could be drugs or alcohol, right?
Anybody? ;)

Thursday, January 01, 2004

Wrapping up the first day of 2004

I did not do anything today. It was rainy and windy. My phone rang at 8am. I went to sleep at
5am. I need more sleep than that, except I can't sleep during the day.

Read blogs and played with this one for most of the day.
I listened to Coldplay. I love their music. I sing my heart out with them.

New Year's Resolutions? Why not? I'm not afraid of failure. ;)
The following list is in no particular order.

  • Laugh more

  • Save money

  • No more mess in the apartment

  • Make friends

  • Limit shoe buying

  • Exercise

  • Eat healthy

  • Cook more often

  • Date

  • Declutter

  • Pray

  • Become politically informed

  • Stop procrastinating

  • Knit or other craft

  • Forgive and move on

  • Be honest with myself

  • Learn a language or take classes

  • Keep in touch with old friends

  • Smile more

  • Really listen

  • Drink more water

  • Think about and plan long term goals

  • Hike Half Dome or participate in a 10K

  • Wear sunscreen

  • Read Spanish books

Damn, I'll review this in a year.

Hope you were off to a better start than me...

I Love Movies

One of my favorite things to do is watch movies. This past week I have watched 4 movies after almost
a month without my movie fix. Going this long without visiting a theatre is virtually unheard of for me.
This makes me the wrong person to try and rent a video with since you can bet I've already seen most of
what you had in mind.

I am not one of those people who critiques technique, lighting, camera angles, etc. I rate a movie by the
way it makes me feel. Am I completely into it or looking at my watch to see how long I have been seated?

Here are my observations and/or comments.

House of Sand and Fog
I'm not sure why I wanted to see this movie, but I am glad I did. Although it is a movie everything that happened
in it can happen in real life.

Walking out of the theatre an older guy says to me, "He was greedy. He could have avoided all that if he had
not let his greed get in the way." I just smiled and thought to myself, "Did we just see the same movie? Did you
miss the whole other point to the story? Do you think she had no blame at all!"
Having been exposed to the Persian culture a bit, I may be a little biased; but this man clearly does not think
outside the box. He irritated me, can you tell?

Something's Gotta Give
I loved this movie. If I ever get a DVD player, I'll definitely buy the DVD.

It's funny how I am more willing to accept an older man dating a younger woman than the younger man-older woman
scenario. Then again, I'm no longer the "younger" woman to the older men I seem to be attracted to. Maybe I'll
have a change of age requirements soon. ;)

Mona Lisa Smile
If Julia Roberts is in a movie, I'm watching it. I was not expecting to like this movie much, but I did because it
made me think. Growing up I so wanted to be in a June-Ward Cleaver life, which is what was in this film minus the
comedy and the Beaver. What was I thinking? Although I wish I had some "finishing school" training, which is the
salad fork again?

It was okay. Never realized how beautiful Uma Thurman is. By the way, consider watching Kill Bill Vol. 1,
women kick ass in that one.

Happy New Year

I just got back from the fireworks show in San Francisco. Prior to leaving home I checked the local news for
the weather report. Rain after midnight was the prediction. Yeah right! Low and behold the clock struck
twelve and it started to rain lightly.

Anyway, what better day to start a blog than the first day of the year. Let's see how this works out...