Monday, January 05, 2004
Public Transportation
I commute to work. Lucky me, it is a 45 minute ride in good old public
I'm not one to talk to strangers let alone smile at them (see New Year's resolution);
but, it is a little sad that not many people acknowledge each other on these rides.
I'm guilty, but only because I get lost in whatever I am reading.
There are times when I don't have reading material and can observe the
people around me.
Some people want to sleep. Some people want to read. Some just have a
blank stare on their face probably going over the day's events or what is or is not
waiting for them at home.
Why don't people talk to each other?
Is it fear?
Is it rudeness?
Is it self-absorption?
Lack of social skills?
I've traveled towards the midwest area. Strangers greet each other with a
freakin' smile for goodness sake. I have friends from other countries,
they are faster to smile and greet than we are. These are the type of people
that are a breath of fresh air in mundane day-to-day life.