Monday, January 26, 2004

Societal Norms

I rarely think of myself as old-fashioned or being affected by societal norms.
Yes, I like to think I can form my opinions without being influenced by outside
factors. Since I don't live in a bubble, this is unlikely. Consciously, with
some work, it's possible; subconsciously it's a different story.

a: Someone is cheating on spouse.
me: What's his name?
a: I didn't say it was the guy.
me: Oh please, it can't be the girl.

I just assumed it was the guy without a second thought.

No, cheating is not a societal norm. Atleast, I'd like to think it is not. But, most
people do think that when cheating is involved the dog is the guy.

Which brings me to the following assumption: fathers leave their families not mothers.
Not so. I know, but it's the first thing that comes to mind.

The mother leaves her family in this film. It took a few minutes to adjust. I goes
against the norm.

This film was funny, sad and based on a true story. The little kids were adorable.