Friday, January 02, 2004

Voyeurism as an addiction

1. a person who obtains a sexual gratification by looking at sexual objects or acts, esp. secretively
2. a person who derives exaggerated or unseemly enjoyment from being an observer

I'm referring to #2, people. In geek speak, we can substitute the word lurking (not stalking).
I first recognized the signs when I noticed I liked looking into people's homes if they had the
curtains open. I thought to myself, "I would never do that. Anyone can look in and you
never know who's out there. But look at that painting, it's nice. ... Cool decor. ... That sofa
has got to go. ... ..."

It all started innocently enough via knitting blogs mentioned in a knitting magazine!
One blog linked to a non-knitting blog. I liked the sarcastic writing.
I would read it every other day. Eventually, I was looking for updates every day
except she does not update often.
Then it was a feminist's blog, which I can't even remember how I found. Then it was some
of the blogs on her blog list.

Then it was Spanish blogs to "not forget the language and maybe learn a word or two."

Recently, I discovered photoblogs.

I have 29 blogs on my to read list.

Now I have started my own blog.

Is there no end to this madness?

This is reminding me of my chatting phase/addiction years ago.
That was bad. [long, deep sigh...]

It could be worse, it could be drugs or alcohol, right?
Anybody? ;)