Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Vacation Deprivation

No wonder everyone I know is so damn tired. The average American vacation is 10.2 days per year excluding holidays. The crazy thing is there is no time for vacation. I am supposed to take some time off next week and the more I think about it, the more I want to cancel the road trip. I have too much to do.

The flipside of my vacations is that I start to want to go back to work while I am on vacation. I get tired of being on vacation regardless of how much fun I may be having and oftentimes feel more exhausted after a vacation than if I had been at work. I never thought of myself as a workaholic, but maybe I am.

One of my coworkers is on a forced vacation because she has stopped accumulating vacation, which has too many vacation days on the books. Grass greener on the other side? Hardly! That simply means she has not taken a decent vacation in years.

Why the tirade? An article on one of the online newspapers detailed the vacation days per year of other industrialized nations, it's eye-opening. But how can I miss something I've never had. ;)

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