Monday, April 25, 2005

Put that thing away!

I saw a p#nis! I'm walking to work when this guy catches my attention. I'm trying to focus because my eyesight isn't the greatest. I'm wondering what he is looking for. When I got close enough and realized it was m&sturbation session, I was appalled.

Look if you have to pee and there is nowhere to go, you gotta do what you gotta do. But that! In public! At 8:50AM! That is not cool.

I tell my coworker what happened. She's about my mom's age.
Coworker: Oh sweetie, that's the first one you see and like that.
Me: No....I mean yeah.

Jjejejejej I'm not outing myself to someone that could be my mom.

The last time I was appalled on that street was when one of the security guards was smoking pot before 9AM. Oh yeah, I feel safe now.

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