Monday, June 20, 2005

Calendar Girls

The surprising thing about Calendar Girls was that it's true. Middle-aged women did participate in the making of a 'nude' calendar to raise funds for a Leukemia charity. That idea is still raising money to this very day. Too cool.

For years I've thought having an elegant nude portrait of myself would be cool to look when I was 75 years old (assuming I made it to that age). The plan was to get this done at 30, what I thought was going to be my prime age. Didn't happen. Where would I exhibit a portrait like that? In my living room? More like nowhere, I'm shy. This movie brought back the crazy idea.

And it brought back another memory. I have a picture of a boyfriend from a past life. It's not a nude, but it might as well be. I don't know where it is, but it's somewhere in the apartment. Hope nobody ever finds it by accident. If I find it first, it needs to be shredded.

My Life Without Me
Didn't like this one. I found it extremely drab. Yes, she is going to die and she is coming to terms with that but still. Before I saw this movie, I had it in my head that I would not tell my family should I be diagnosed with something drastic. A few years ago my mother's best friend husband died. It was a shock. He had cancer and did not tell anyone. Not supposed to judge, but that is an extreme case of selfishness, which brought more questions and hurt after his death on top of the regular old grieving process. Not fair. If I am diagnosed with something drastic, my family and friends will know.

Watching the dancing scenes was okay...that was about the only okay part in the entire movie.

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