Sunday, June 05, 2005

The Longest Yard

Chris Rock and Adam Sandler in the same movie...easy choice. I went to watch this even though I am not a real football fan. I'll usually jump on the bandwagon during playoffs or a Super Bowl if there is the presence of a real underdog.

It was funny. I thought it was going to be funnier, but I got some laughs out of it. One of the funny things was hearing the men react to the body blows. I should see the original movies from the 1970s, another Netflix queue addition. I have over 300 movies on that queue so one more won't hurt.

During high school years, I'd go to football games because everyone else did. I had friends on the team, the cheerleading squad and the band. It was also a reason to be out late. Late was 11PM in those days. The tension during the games against our main rival was crazy. That was backintheday simple fun.

I remember watching a Super Bowl one year (my mom is a fan) where a player's lower leg broke during a play. They kept replaying it in slow motion and you could see the exact point when it broke, where it broke and dangle. Sick. That was enough football watching for me.

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