Sunday, March 26, 2006

Email surprise

Today I turned on my computer because it had been over a week and I had not checked my personal email. Deleted a bunch of things (mostly forwards and jokes), but one of the items made my heart beat a little faster.

It was from E. I haven't heard from E in over three years. Our friendship ended for one reason or another. The funny thing is I finally unpacked Friday night. One of the boxes had picture frames and two of those were of E. I decided I needed to put the picture away and put some other picture in place. Then today I see the email. Short and to the point. She's been dreaming about me and wondering if I am okay. She's had dreams off and on since last summer. And one additional detail, she had a baby and has never been happier.

Emotions galore in the span of 10 minutes. Shock, happiness, anger, sadness and finally something I don't do normally. I started to cry and the crying was from hurt. I thought I was so over what happened and yet there I am crying like it just happened. Then that was all over and I was back to surprise again.

What a coincidence! I'm thinking of recycling pictures and then there is this email from the very person. What a fluke. Oh, but wait a minute, I don't believe in flukes or coincidences, it happened for a reason. Or then again I could be reading to much into it.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

39 hours

The reason I finally unpacked is because I offered the boxes to a coworker. I knew this would put pressure on me to do what I should have done more than six months ago. She said she'd be by at 7AM. In order to meet this friendly deadline, I did not sleep a wink! In my 'younger' days this happened a lot, these days I can't handle it. My symptoms from no sleep: nausea and backache. It sucks to get old. jejej

Thursday, March 23, 2006


Tired today. I tried to do too much all at once, but I like it. That routine is mine next week. I think I got it down, now watch her change it around. Oh, and I can't do push-ups for crap. I can't wait for summer to get here for hiking season to really get its start. First thing on the list, go buy some new hiking shoes.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

One kick at a time

The body is an amazing thing. My soreness is gone. Yay! I breezed through my classes. I was feeling it. ;)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Sore muscles

Getting out of bed this morning took me some time. No matter which way I moved I could not make any progress, because of the insane amount of soreness I felt.

Today's agenda: 30 minutes of thigh/glute work followed by an hour of aerobics. I was a klutz with the routine, I'll have it down by next week.

Monday, March 20, 2006

All or nothing

Today was the start of my new self-imposed schedule. I was at at my desk at 7:15 AM and I was cranky. Then apparently I was feeling rather fit, when in actuality I am on the unfit side these days. It was raining, so a couple of people and I decided to walk up and down 18 floors of stairs. Then I ended my day with a 30 minute ab class followed by an hour of aerobics. Everything hurts except for my ears. 'Everything in moderation.' I firmly believe this applies to exercise.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

No more rain, please

I'm craving warmth and sunshine. Now. Every night I come home and turn on my heater. I place that sucker at a toasty 87 degrees. Let it run for roughly four hours, until it's almost at the point where the heat is about to turn uncomfortable. The heating bill isn't pretty because this place is drafty.

I didn't think I'd say this, but I wouldn't mind a 95 degree day right about now. A day where no jacket is required and sandals are needed.

Just wait. When I get that, I'll be wanting a nice, cold and breezy day. But no rain. I'm only a fan of rain when my kitchen is fully stocked and a couple of great movies or books are waiting for me.

I'm thinking about changing my work schedule. I want to discipline myself for summer. What does this all mean? Instead of carrying on with my lax schedule (roughly 10 AM until I feel I've had enough, on bad day that could be 10 AM to midnight which always sucks), I want to get to work at 7 AM and be out by 4 PM. I tried doing that today. I managed to get there at 9:05 AM. I'm not a morning person, but I used to be able to get up in the wee hours without a problem. I'm not talkative that early in the morning, but I used to be able to function. I can't really say that anymore. I need to succeed next week because I enrolled myself in some exercise classes and I don't want to throw that money away by being late or not making it at all.

Went to a seminar tonight. A seminar about buying your first home. And I paraphrase: the average price of a home in the Bay area is 600K. Those words are cause for depression if you ask me. I got a free book out of the seminar...that was cool.

I'm up way past my bedtime at the moment. The last few weeks I have just felt exhausted. Can't stay up and catch up on the late night talk shows anymore. Tomorrow morning is going to be fun trying to get myself into the meeting on time. They know they can start without me, I hope they remember that. I have a feeling I am going to be late. (sigh)

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Where's the sleep?

I'm slowlty but surely going back to my old ways. There is no reason for me to be up at this time, I have work tomorrow and I am tired. Yet, here I am still awake trying to convince myself to go to bed. I'll be paying for it tomorrow in the 2 PM meeting. That's about the time I crash if I don't get some decent sleep.

I am eagerly counting down to the weekend. This is how 2006 has been for me. I don't want to be in the office. I only look forward to the weekends. Even if there are no plans, I want the weekend to be here and last longer than two lousy days.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Life without TV

I don't think I can live without a TV in my home. I like to watch shows. Right now I'm watching 'America's Next Top Model.' Am I learning anything from this show? Hell no. But I enjoy it. I like to see beautiful people. I like to see how people turn on each other. I'm a sucker for reality TV. What's wrong with that?

I'd rather give away my computer than give up my TV.

I was discussing how disconnected our society has become. It was a simple comment. The lady told me to consider getting rid of my TV. That people think they have relationships with the characters on TV. What?! It's a freakin' show. A minor waste of time, not friends or substitutes for family. That was way out there. But I respect that she has lived without a TV for the last 5+ years. More power to her.

Me? I'm going to watch 'Project Runway' next.

Long lost friends

Today I caught myself reminiscing about old friends. Or friendships that have ended for one reason or another. Thinking back these friendships, I'm only concerned with one though, it could have been saved. If it wasn't for the pride, the 'I don't care' attitude, the lack of understanding, the not wanting to 'fight' for someone that was worth it.

What got me on this? An article about long lost friends who reconnected years later. I was on the bus wondering if maybe in the future E and I could possibly reconnect. Would we be able to pick where we left off although now we would be full-fledged adults. Or would there still be hurt?

She always wanted to have many children. I wonder if she is a mother.

I have to remind myself not to live on memories because I only seem to remember the great stuff that appear even sweeter today than back in the day.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Spiritual Renewal...again

Lent began last Wednesday. I'm pretty excited this year about my spiritual journey. I bought a bilingual Bible for the occasion. I try to focus on the Spanish and if I'm not quite getting it I look at the opposite page to read the English text.

And time for hobby renewal as well. I bought some yarn and a new pair of needles to get back into the knitting thing. It's the closest thing I have ever done that works as meditation for me. Hours pass and I don't realize it. One of the most relaxing things I've ever done.

I'm debating whether to go to a Michael Buble concert in a few weeks. Tonight it seems like a yes, tomorrow I'll be deciding no. It will be a last minute decision or until the tickets are sold out.

I rediscovered the joys of the library. They have a pretty decent DVD collection. Borrowed some cookbooks as opposed to buying them and letting them collect dust on the shelves. I've identified what I want to try my hand at except for the cleaning the mess afterwards that is my least favorite thing.

The Oscars were this weekend. Talk about anticlimactic! Maybe the fact that my movie watching has dramatically dropped since I moved to this city which has no theaters has something to do with it. I keep adding items to my Netflix queue, but then those movies sit on top of my TV for...the record has been...two months!