Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Spiritual Renewal...again

Lent began last Wednesday. I'm pretty excited this year about my spiritual journey. I bought a bilingual Bible for the occasion. I try to focus on the Spanish and if I'm not quite getting it I look at the opposite page to read the English text.

And time for hobby renewal as well. I bought some yarn and a new pair of needles to get back into the knitting thing. It's the closest thing I have ever done that works as meditation for me. Hours pass and I don't realize it. One of the most relaxing things I've ever done.

I'm debating whether to go to a Michael Buble concert in a few weeks. Tonight it seems like a yes, tomorrow I'll be deciding no. It will be a last minute decision or until the tickets are sold out.

I rediscovered the joys of the library. They have a pretty decent DVD collection. Borrowed some cookbooks as opposed to buying them and letting them collect dust on the shelves. I've identified what I want to try my hand at except for the cleaning the mess afterwards that is my least favorite thing.

The Oscars were this weekend. Talk about anticlimactic! Maybe the fact that my movie watching has dramatically dropped since I moved to this city which has no theaters has something to do with it. I keep adding items to my Netflix queue, but then those movies sit on top of my TV for...the record has been...two months!

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