Friday, July 16, 2004

le Tour de France

I am so caught up watching the bicycling event at the moment. I wake up early to catch a snippet before I go to work. I stay up late to find out the results. (This means avoiding any sources that will spoil the results for me.)

I am in admiration of the discipline required. The fortitude. The has to be a factor in something so grueling.

I'm cheering for Lance Armstrong. For years, I have recognized the name, now I recognize the face. I thought this guy was in his forties, he is only 32.

I must say if I was one of those cycling, I'd have to hit some of those fans. They get too close to the cyclists. They've showed clips of past years where fans have caused cyclists to fall. Ridiculous. Stay behind the barricades people.

I get to see beautiful foreign landscapes. And the best is yet to come.

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