Friday, March 26, 2004


I love the color blue, hence the name of my blog. Some people are attracted by bright, shiny objects. My attention is caught by the color blue. If I could, I would paint my apartment blue.

Trivia about the color blue:
"Blue represents peace, tranquility, calm, stability, harmony, unity, trust, truth, confidence, conservatism, security, cleanliness, order, loyalty, sky, water, cold, technology, and depression.
In China, blue is associated with immortality.
In Colombia, blue is associated with soap.
For Hindus blue is the color of Krishna.
For the Jews, blue symbolizes holiness.
In the Middle East blue is a protective color."

All this brings me to why I was tempted to see the next film. In the trailers for the film, Kate Winslet's hair was blue. No it was not because it was a Kauffman film. It was the blue hair.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
The premise of this movie is about selectively erasing memory associated with an event or person. I enjoyed it tremendously. Jim Carrey (Joel) did not get on my nerves for one second.

The film is not chronoligical, which usually I don't like, but it worked this time. In an interview with Charlie Rose, Charlie Kaufman said, "The audience only knows what Joel knows."

We walked out contemplating if we would or would not choose to erase certain memories. I would, no doubt about it. My friend said she would not because lessons are learned from every experience. My other friend did not know if he would or would not.

Yes, I agree lessons can be learned from experiences. But, there are some experiences that really teach no lessons whatsoever and only wreak havoc, if not worse.