Saturday, February 28, 2004


English is not my first language, but it might as well be. I feel very comfortable
expressing myself in English. My communication skills have been praised on
more than one occasion.

I can understand people who are learning English, who absolutely destroy it due to
lack of practice. I can understand almost anyone...Chinese, Vietnamese, Koreans,
Japanese, Russians, Persians, Arabs, Hispanics, French, Germans, Italians, Swedes.
I could not be an ESL tutor if I didn't.


Why do I have such a difficult time with the following three accents?

The Indian accent kills me. I have to ask Indian co-workers to repeat themselves and
to slow down. We are speaking the same language but I just don't understand. It's
not the concept either, it is what is coming out of their mouths. It's mutual. When
I'm explaining something they don't get what I am saying either. It has to be
cultural and I am not alone.

Colin Farrell (my eye-candy) giving interviews is another doozy. Irish accent.
What?!? I'm not completely lost, I understand every other F-word that comes
out of his mouth. It may be just him, I've been able to understand some Irish

This brings me to my latest movie. I knew they were speaking English, albeit
with a Scottish accent. I tried to get every word. Didn't work. I had to turn on
the closed captions for the hearing impaired. Sigh.

This is an older movie I remembered hearing a lot about a few years back. It deals
with drug addiction from a not so dark outlook. It's not a Traffic approach
to drugs. I liked the film. It was funny.

I've never participated in drug use. I've witnessed recreational drug use. Boring.
Have I been tempted? Sure, I wanted to giggle that much for no reason whatsoever.
It's better this way even without the endless giggling which ends in a coma-like state
and then the munchies. Yuk.