Thursday, February 19, 2004


I do not like surprises, but I like to surprise people. I'm not talking about
practical joke surprises either. Tomorrow I will be surprising my mother.
Her birthday is Saturday and I am flying out there to spend the day with her
along with my father and brother.

I wanted to surprise all three of them and just show up, which I have done
successfully in the past. This time around I was not so sure about this.
Thank goodness for my gut feeling. It turns out they were planning on taking
a trip themselves. Now my father knows about the surprise, which works for
me since I'm guaranteed the surprise won't be on me. ;)

The strangest and most uncomfortable surprise was having my ex show up
at my home exactly one year after our relationship ended on bad terms.
He wanted to tell me something. I did not hear what he was saying, because
I was too busy looking at him, his face, his eyes. I'd forgotten what the person
I spent close to two years with looked like. And then I caught the following
words, "I just came to tell you I forgive you." What the f*ck! That was not
what I expected to hear.